Contact Info
Emanuela Fanelli
Coordinator of the Marine Ecology course
MSc In Biology at the University La Sapienza (Rome)
PhD in Ecology and Management of Biological Resources (University of Viterbo, in collaboration with ICM-CSIC Barcelona, Spain, and IAMC-CNR Castellammare del Golfo (Italy)
Since December 2018, Associate Professor at DISVA, UNIVPM
Emanuela is an associate professor at the Polytechnic University of Marche, in the department of Life and Environmental Sciences in Ancona, Italy. She is interested in ecosystem functioning, especially on trophic aspects. Currently she is working on the trophic ecology of Mediterranean bathyal communities from macro- to megafauna including both mesopelagic and benthic compartments. Further, she is collaborating in projects aimed to elucidate the trophic structure of pelagic communities.