Seascape Analytics Ltd is a marine research consultancy working primarily on applied marine spatial ecology projects with a 14 year history supporting scientific research at the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Biogeography Branch. The consultancy is directed by Dr Simon J Pittman, a specialist in seascape ecology, marine protected areas, marine spatial planning and tropical marine ecology. The consultancy is based in Plymouth, UK with close links to the Marine Institute and the Marine Conservation and Policy Research Group (MarCoPol) at Plymouth University. Seascape Analytics has access to large volumes of spatial data on species and seascapes that provide an excellent opportunity for independent study towards a thesis and publications. Topics include seabirds, marine mammals, Caribbean coral reef ecosystems, fish movement ecology. Students with an interest and skills in GIS, statistical modeling and the ecology of species-seascape relationships are particularly welcome to make contact. Mentoring can be through remote meetings and/or a short internship at the Marine Institute, Plymouth University.