Every year we receive around 100 new international students on the IMBRSea program (International Master in Marine Biological Resources). To finish their studies and receive a IMBRSea Diploma all students should write, submit and present a Master Thesis. The thesis work is done during their last semester of studies (4th), from January to end of June.
Do you have a research topic and want to receive one or more motivated students for a Master thesis?
We would like to invite you to propose topics at your institution. The deadline is January 31st, 2023.
What is an IMBRSea Master thesis?
It is a full research on a new marine biological resources topic that can be done in a 6 month-period.
Detailed information on the Professional Master Thesis as program component can be found on the IMBRSea website.
Why hosting a Master thesis student?
- 1 or more students can work with you free of charge.
- Developing a research with results that can be used for scientific publications
- Students will get to know your institute and will outreach on your activities.
- The period of the thesis (4-6 months) is long enough to ensure students do not only get trained, but also contribute to your activities
- You participate in a crucial part of the training of the next generation of marine scientists, from all over the world.
- Generate the scientific knowledge and underpinning infrastructures and partnerships needed for sustainable development of the ocean
When can a Master thesis be organized and how long does it take?
In the IMBRSea teaching schedule a dedicated period from the beginning of January until the end of June is foreseen. Students should not have courses during this period. At the end of June, students attend the Annual Symposium where they present their Master Thesis.
The IMBRSea Professional Practice accounts for 30 credits, equivalent to 600 working hours (4-6 months).
How to submit a Master thesis research line?
Submission and advertisement of Master thesis topics are organized via the Matix platform. This online tool, supported by the marinetraining.eu platform, will also be used for the follow-up of professional practices.
Step 1
- If you already have a personal account on the Matix platform, just log in and submit a topic (step 2)
- If you do not have a personal account on the Matix platform yet, you can make a personal account under your institute (partners-registering).
Step 2
- Once you are logged in, you will be automatically redirected to the dashboard. On your dashboard click on the link "add master thesis research line" and submit one or more topics via the proposal form.
Each Research line should contain:
• Host organisation
• Title
• Responsible scientist (+ email address)
• Short description of the nature of work that the student will have the opportunity to complete
• Language requirements
• Max. number of students that can candidate for this subject (1 - 4 students maximum)
• Specific competences required regarding the profile of the student
• Safety issues
• Location where the research will take place
• Accommodation possibilities
• Any additional costs to be covered by the student: please note this will influence students in the selection of their topics as they are on a budget so please provide accurate information
• In case diving is involved, please specify if diving equipment is needed
What does hosting a student mean from a financial point of view?
A student from the IMBRSea program will do his thesis free of charge. Accepting a student does not cost you anything. Insurance during the activities is covered by Ghent University.
What are thesis research lines?
A research line is considered as a broad research field in which you would be willing to accept students for specific thesis projects. Based on the research lines, students will contact you to negotiate an actual topic.
Research line at Institute A: Marine Microbial foodwebs in Soft-Bottom habitats
This research line may lead to several student-specific thesis topics after negotiation with the students interested.
The advantage of a research line is that it can be open on the Matix platform for students for several years (if desired).
What is the Master thesis timeline?
1. Submission of topics: Call for Master Thesis research topics is open from the 20th of December, 2022 until the 31st of January, 2023.
2. Topics published in a catalog: After approval by the IMBRSea management board, the submitted topics will be available in a catalog on the IMBRSea website.
3. Selection of topics by students: The Master thesis catalog is provided to the students. Students will contact associate partner through their contact provided to discuss possible Master thesis research.
4. Selection of students: Master Thesis supervisors can choose to be involved in the selection process of the students, that can take until mid-May.
5. Master thesis studies: This will take place between the beginning of January and end of June.
We hope that the above information provides sufficient background information. You can also find this information on our website. In case you have further questions, please feel free to contact us.