The PGSISCO is an academic space of interdisciplinary interactions mainly focused on Marine Sciences themes, where the theoretical reflection and the practice of research are facilitated by the interaction of professors from different areas of knowledge, such as Biology, Physics, Chemistry, Geology, and Oceanography. PGSISCO is a promising space for the development of methodologies, concepts, and innovative analytical approaches. At PGSISCO we also provide scientific, technological and instrumental subsidies for basic and applied research that, besides being fundamental bases for the sustainable development of coastal zones, also helps in the understanding of biodiversity and ecosystem dynamics at regional and global scales. At the same time, the integrated vision of coastal and oceanic systems makes it possible to create management tools in terms of performance, which creates space for research in the development of products for the strengthening of participatory management, a perspective that has been widely debated in the political circuits and national and international scholars.
Our main goal is to produce specific knowledge in marine sciences in order to improve the understanding of marine ecosystems environmental changes at temporal and spatial (local, regional, and global) scales and, consequently, to seek an integrated understanding of the biodiversity and the multiple factors that govern coastal and oceanic systems. We aim to train, at the level of academic excellence, professionals in Marine Sciences able to perform teaching and scientific research in the academic and industry environment, and to support, through its student and faculty, actions of the public power and the University in the search for practical solutions to: socio-environmental problems, including the management of natural resources (with emphasis on fisheries management); environmental monitoring and water quality; assessment of environmental impacts such as dredging, coastal pollution and eutrophication; development of products and processes with low environmental impact; development and improvement of technologies and processes to reduce the environmental impact in the coastal and oceanic systems; as well as specific aspects associated with environmental contamination by domestic and industrial waste that may interfere with the natural structure of ecosystems and biodiversity.