Illustration en Mountain Drift <span>Mountain Drift</span> <span><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">admin_imbrsea</span></span> <span>Wed, 21/12/2016 - 05:25</span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p>Proin sagittis feugiat elit finibus pretium. Donec et tortor non purus vulputate tincidunt. Cras congue posuer eros eget egestas. Aenean varius ex ut ex laoreet Aenean the fermentum.</p> <h3>Project Overview</h3> <p>Proin sagittis feugiat elit finibus pretium. Donec et tortor non purus vulputate tincidunt. Cras congue posuer eros eget egestas. Aenean varius ex ut ex laoreet fermentum. Aenean sit amet massa eu velit commodo cursus fringilla a tellus. Morbi eros urna, mollis porta feugiat non, ornare eu augue. Sed rhoncus est sit amet diam tempus, et tristique est viverra. Etiam ex tellus, sectur at dapibus id, luctus at odio. Proin mattis congue tristique.</p> <h3>Proconstruction Services</h3> <p>Proin sagittis feugiat elit finibus pretium. Donec et tortor non purus vulputate tincidunt. Cras congue posuer eros eget egestas. Aenean varius ex ut ex laoreet Aenean the fermentum.</p> <ul><li>Providing all materials, labor equipment.</li> <li>Eget Egestas. Aenean varius ex ut ex laoreet Aenean.</li> <li>Aenean varius ex ut ex laoreet Aenean fermentum.</li> <li>Aenean varius ex ut ex laoreet Aenean fermentum.</li> </ul><h3>Reliable &amp; Experienced</h3> <p>Proin sagittis feugiat elit finibus pretium. Donec et tortor non purus vulputate tincidunt. Cras congue posuer eros eget egestas. Aenean varius ex ut ex laoreet Aenean the fermentum.</p> <ul><li>Providing all materials, labor equipment.</li> <li>Eget Egestas. Aenean varius ex ut ex laoreet Aenean.</li> <li>Aenean varius ex ut ex laoreet Aenean fermentum.</li> <li>Aenean varius ex ut ex laoreet Aenean fermentum.</li> </ul></div> <div class="field field--name-field-portfolio-tags field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/13" hreflang="en">Illustration</a></div> </div> <div> <div class="item"> <a href="/mountain-drift"><img src="/sites/default/files/portfolio/portfolio-9.jpg" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </a> </div></div> Wed, 21 Dec 2016 04:25:04 +0000 admin_imbrsea 27 at University of Bergen <span>University of Bergen </span> <span><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">admin_imbrsea</span></span> <span>Wed, 21/12/2016 - 05:24</span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><h3><span class="green">Updates on COVID-19 can be found on <a href=""></a></span></h3> <p> </p> <h2><span class="blue">General Information</span></h2> <p>Fisheries, aquaculture and marine products currently account for 10 billion euros each year. By 2050, this number will have risen to 60 billion euros. <strong>Western Norway accounts for 56% of all Norwegian research and education in the marine sciences</strong>. The marine tradition at the University of Bergen (UiB) <strong>stretches back to the nineteenth century</strong> and the oceanographic research carried out at what was then called Bergen Museum, and which today is known as the University Museum of Bergen.</p> <p>Today <strong>UiB is Norway’s largest marine university</strong>, with research and education of a <strong>high international standard</strong> and <strong>several world leading research facilities</strong>. Bergen is the <strong>thirteenth largest marine research city in the world</strong>, if measured by scientific publications. </p> <p>UiB is a <strong>partner in the Bergen marine research cluster</strong>, a collaboration between the major marine research environments along with partners from the marine industries. The cluster <strong>aims to create a collaboration that will increase the international impact of the research conducted in Bergen</strong>. The <strong>interdisciplinary approach </strong>of UiB and the marine cluster, coupled with <strong>state of the art marine technology</strong> and <strong>future-proof education</strong>, makes this the all-time largest commitment to research in Bergen.</p> <p>Check out the following site for more information:<strong> <a href="">Practical Information for New Students</a></strong>.</p> <h2> </h2> <h2><span class="blue">Housing</span></h2> <p><strong>All new international students</strong> admitted to the University of Bergen <strong>can apply for housing through the Student Welfare Organisation (Sammen)</strong>.</p> <p>Further detail regarding housing can be found on this website: <strong><a href=""></a></strong></p> <p><strong>Detailed information on coming as a visiting student to UiB </strong>is given at the <strong>university’s English language web pages</strong>, called the <strong><a href="">Student Pages</a></strong>. Prospective students can also read the <strong>welcome brochure for new student</strong>s, updated each semester, which orients them to the city and the university life. </p> <p> </p> <h3><strong>Useful Links:</strong></h3> <p><strong><a href="" target="_blank">Student pages at UiB</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="">Campus living in Bergen</a></strong></p> <p> </p> <h3><strong>Living Costs</strong>:</h3> <p>UiB estimates that the <strong><a href="">living costs</a></strong> for international students is <strong>approximately 1000€ per month</strong>, which includes most monthly expenses such as housing, food, clothing, study materials, books, transport and social activities.</p> <p>The university’s<strong> <a href="">International Students blog</a></strong> also gives prospective and new students important <strong>information and insight into what is needed to come and study at UiB and what to expect on arrival</strong> and to have the best experience possible during the stay. T<strong>here, the monthly living costs are estimated to be:</strong></p> <ul><li>475 – 620€ for <strong>accommodation</strong> (including heating and internet),</li> <li>50€ for the <strong>local public transportation travel pass</strong>, and</li> <li>180€ for <strong>food</strong> (Groceries NOK 300-400 per week, NOK 1500 – 2000/mo).</li> <li><strong>Additional expenses</strong> are estimated to be €200 for textbooks (may not be needed) and an obligatory 60€ semester fee which gives membership to the student organisation and allows access to student facilities.</li> </ul><p>More information on <strong><a href="">How to finance your studies</a></strong>.</p> <p> </p> <h2><span class="blue">Services</span></h2> <p>At UiB the <strong>Division of Student Affair</strong>s hosts an <strong>International Admissions Team</strong> that handles all international students, including Erasmus students, and helps prepare for coming to Bergen. <strong>Application for accommodation is usually made through this portal</strong>. MSc students have <strong>additional support from BIO department study advisors</strong> who have extensive experience in support and orientation for international students.</p> <p>At the <strong>beginning of each semester</strong>, the international office also hosts a <strong>Semester Startup Help Des</strong>k to answer questions and offer general campus guidance and assistance in using UiB's online services. They are responsible for welcoming of new students and <strong>handing out welcome information envelopes, giving guidance on semester registration and how to obtain an ICT user account, assisting with signup for residence permits,</strong> if needed. <strong><a href="">A FAQ</a></strong> is maintained by Student Affairs, and <strong>useful tips for <a href="">preparation and arrival</a></strong> are collected in special pages for new students. Orientation days are also organised by the university to help students settle into the city and get introduced to local culture.</p> <p>The <strong><a href="">International Students blog</a></strong> also gives prospective and new students important information and insight into what is needed to come and study at UiB and what to expect on arrival and to have the best experience possible during the stay. </p> <p> </p> <h3><strong>Language Opportunities:</strong></h3> <p>UiB offers language learning based on a<strong> language exchange programme called <a href="">Tandem</a></strong>. This is available for all international students studying at UiB, Norwegian students who plan an exchange semester abroad, foreign language students, or any UiB students who want to improve their language skills. The Tandem language learning is simply based on <strong>language exchange through communication and interaction between two students speaking different languages.</strong> There are also <strong>formal courses in Norwegian </strong>offered to exchange students, and some <strong>formal courses in English language proficiency</strong>. These are offered <strong>free of charge</strong>, as part of enrolment for the semester.</p> <p>The teaching practices in the specialisation practices offered by UiB promote <strong>active learning</strong> with many <strong>team-based learning activities</strong>. Students have often noted in course evaluation surveys that they experience a <strong>significant improvement in their confidence and competence in English language </strong>as a result of their studies at UiB.</p> <p> </p> <h2>Visa Information</h2> <p><strong>Detailed information</strong> regarding documentation, visa requirements and procedures for applying, and registration for residence permits for visiting students is provided on the <strong><a href="">UiB Student Pages</a>.</strong></p> <p><strong>EU/EEA nationals are entitled to work, study and live in Norway,</strong> <strong>but</strong> if the <strong>stay</strong> in Norway is for <strong>more than three month</strong>s, then students must <strong>register with the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration</strong> (registration is free). Students from EU/EEA must register within three months of arrival in Norway. Students need to s<strong>how their acceptance letter from UiB, demonstrate that they have enough money to support their stay, and hold a European Health Insurance Card or have private medical insurance</strong>. Students are <strong>allowed to work in addition to studying.</strong></p> <p>For students from <strong>outside the EU/EEA</strong>, the regulations are that a residence permit for studies must be applied for before entry. This is also called a <strong>study permit</strong>. UiB’s <strong>Division of Student Affairs and the UiB Student Pages provide information</strong> and practical support for all students through this process, including advice on getting a visa renewal, etc. </p> <p> </p> <h2><span class="blue">Exams</span></h2> <p>Courses at UiB use different forms of examination such as <strong>written examinations, assigned exam papers, take-home examinations and oral examinations</strong>. The type of examination may <strong>vary according to the subject</strong>. Many courses require students to <strong>complete mandatory assignments</strong> (e.g. lab work or methodological assignments) or a term paper before being permitted to take examinations. Courses may also offer <strong>continuous assessment</strong> throughout the semester. The examination or assessment type, and the <strong>grading scale (A-F or pass/fail)</strong>, are listed in the course description of every course.</p> <p>Students <a href="">register for examination</a> <strong>in addition to registering for the courses</strong>, but at the same time and students <strong>can withdraw from the examination as late as 2 weeks before the exam date</strong>. It is possible to register for the same exam three times (with a few exceptions), so that allows two resits for each exam. Failure to withdraw from an exam registration before the 2 week deadline counts as one of three possible exam registrations. Students can appeal the result obtained for an examination, within three weeks of announcement of the results. Complaints are made to the Faculty Information Centre, and handled at the Faculty level.</p> <p>UiB is very strict about correct use of sources during examinations, and several systems are in use to check for cases of plagiarism (e.g. Euphorus). <strong>Students can receive a failing grade, or can even be expelled from the UiB for plagiarism.</strong></p> <p> </p> <p> </p> <p> </p> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-portfolio-tags field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/13" hreflang="en">Illustration</a></div> </div> <div> <div class="owl-carousel init-carousel-owl portfolio-images" data-items="1" data-items_lg="1" data-items_md="1" data-items_sm="1" data-items_xs="1" data-loop="1" data-pagination='1' data-navigation='1'><div class="item"> <a href="/university-bergen"><img src="/sites/default/files/portfolio/UiB3%20%282%29.PNG" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </a> </div><div class="item"> <a href="/university-bergen"><img src="/sites/default/files/portfolio/UiB4.PNG" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </a> </div><div class="item"> <a href="/university-bergen"><img src="/sites/default/files/portfolio/UiB2.PNG" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </a> </div><div class="item"> <a href="/university-bergen"><img src="/sites/default/files/portfolio/UiB.PNG" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </a> </div><div class="item"> <a href="/university-bergen"><img src="/sites/default/files/portfolio/ugle1.jpg" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </a> </div></div> </div> <div class="field field--name-field-portfolio-information field--type-string field--label-above"> <div class="field__label">Portfolio information</div> <div class="field__items"> <div class="field__item">Local Coordinators: Øystein Varpe &amp; Beate Ulrikke Rensvik</div> <div class="field__item">Head of study section: Beate Ulrikke Rensvik</div> <div class="field__item">Email:</div> <div class="field__item">Professor Øystein Varpe</div> <div class="field__item">Email:</div> <div class="field__item">Department of Biological sciences - Fisheries Ecology &amp; Aquaculture; Theoretical Ecology Group</div> <div class="field__item">Contact address: University of Bergen 53B Thormøhlensgate 5006 Bergen Norway; Postal Address: Postboks 7803 5020 Bergen</div> <div class="field__item">Legal representative: Dag Rune Olsen University of Bergen, 5007 Bergen, Norway</div> <div class="field__item">Homepage: &lt;a href=&quot;;&gt;UiB&lt;/a&gt;</div> <div class="field__item">Courses at UiB: &lt;a href=&quot;/course_filter?field_course_category_target_id=All&amp;field_university_target_id=56&amp;field_course_level_value=All&quot;&gt;Catalogue&lt;/a&gt;</div> </div> </div> Wed, 21 Dec 2016 04:24:25 +0000 admin_imbrsea 24 at Flippin Bird <span>Flippin Bird</span> <span><span lang="" about="/user/1" typeof="schema:Person" property="schema:name" datatype="">admin_imbrsea</span></span> <span>Wed, 21/12/2016 - 05:24</span> <div class="field field--name-body field--type-text-with-summary field--label-hidden field__item"><p>Proin sagittis feugiat elit finibus pretium. Donec et tortor non purus vulputate tincidunt. Cras congue posuer eros eget egestas. Aenean varius ex ut ex laoreet Aenean the fermentum.</p> <h3>Project Overview</h3> <p>Proin sagittis feugiat elit finibus pretium. Donec et tortor non purus vulputate tincidunt. Cras congue posuer eros eget egestas. Aenean varius ex ut ex laoreet fermentum. Aenean sit amet massa eu velit commodo cursus fringilla a tellus. Morbi eros urna, mollis porta feugiat non, ornare eu augue. Sed rhoncus est sit amet diam tempus, et tristique est viverra. Etiam ex tellus, sectur at dapibus id, luctus at odio. Proin mattis congue tristique.</p> <h3>Proconstruction Services</h3> <p>Proin sagittis feugiat elit finibus pretium. Donec et tortor non purus vulputate tincidunt. Cras congue posuer eros eget egestas. Aenean varius ex ut ex laoreet Aenean the fermentum.</p> <ul><li>Providing all materials, labor equipment.</li> <li>Eget Egestas. Aenean varius ex ut ex laoreet Aenean.</li> <li>Aenean varius ex ut ex laoreet Aenean fermentum.</li> <li>Aenean varius ex ut ex laoreet Aenean fermentum.</li> </ul><h3>Reliable &amp; Experienced</h3> <p>Proin sagittis feugiat elit finibus pretium. Donec et tortor non purus vulputate tincidunt. Cras congue posuer eros eget egestas. Aenean varius ex ut ex laoreet Aenean the fermentum.</p> <ul><li>Providing all materials, labor equipment.</li> <li>Eget Egestas. Aenean varius ex ut ex laoreet Aenean.</li> <li>Aenean varius ex ut ex laoreet Aenean fermentum.</li> <li>Aenean varius ex ut ex laoreet Aenean fermentum.</li> </ul></div> <div class="field field--name-field-portfolio-tags field--type-entity-reference field--label-hidden field__items"> <div class="field__item"><a href="/taxonomy/term/13" hreflang="en">Illustration</a></div> </div> <div> <div class="item"> <a href="/flippin-bird"><img src="/sites/default/files/portfolio/portfolio-2.jpg" alt="" typeof="foaf:Image" /> </a> </div></div> Wed, 21 Dec 2016 04:24:20 +0000 admin_imbrsea 20 at